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How To Make An Online Store App in 2023? (Features & Benefits)

In recent years, the online store app and the development of an eCommerce app have played a very important role in many businesses. We have seen in this field a business opportunity to increase visibility, reach a larger audience and offer different and more personalized experiences to users.

online store app development

In particular, in the last year, with the outbreak of the pandemic and the closure of physical stores, many companies and small businesses have begun to develop their online store app. In a large number of cases, this opportunity to digitize through the development of an app for eCommerce has meant the survival of the business.

According to the studies, we spend on average more than 3 hours a day on the phone. With this, we already see that more and more mobile applications are being created and downloaded.

From Ecommerce To Mobile Commerce

If we add to the importance of online stores the continued use, we make of the smartphone, we see how eCommerce is undergoing a logical and constant evolution to mobile commerce. Haven’t you heard of mobile commerce yet? 

Mobile commerce or also abbreviated as m-commerce is electronic commerce but from a mobile device, either through the browser or through an app. In other words, an online shopping app.

And why is the development of apps for eCommerce growing? In addition to the increased use of mobile devices, technological improvements in logistics and security have contributed to its growth. Users are increasingly confident in online purchases and recognize that personalized services and improvements in the shopping experience are getting better and better. 

Although eCommerce is still predominant, many companies are already looking to adapt their online stores to mobile devices. For this, many decide to develop an app for eCommerce.

Why Develop An Online Store App

Carrying out the development of an app for eCommerce is a solution that more and more businesses are turning to due to numerous advantages. It is true that despite having to make a higher investment compared to an online sales website, creating a mobile application for an eCommerce involves going one step further in digitization.

why develop an online store app

Advantages of Online Store App 

Online store app development has several advantages that you can use in your favor to expand the reach of your business. This would also help you reach thousands of potential customers in a much better way. Let’s see some of the key advantages of having an online store app.

1. Brand image

Through the creation of an app for eCommerce, you can strengthen and improve the brand image of your business. In addition, since m-commerce is not yet being applied by most companies, it is a good opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competition, improve the digitization of your business and give an image of modernity and innovation.

2. Customer loyalty

The development of an eCommerce app provides new forms and shopping experiences, being able to offer more personalized services. In addition, one of the strengths of creating a mobile application for an online store is that users who download this tool will always have your brand present on their mobile devices. Remember the time we spend with our smartphones every day.

3. Value content

When a user downloads a mobile application, they want to see that it will provide them with a certain value. Customers increasingly want to feel more exclusive and are treated in a more personalized way. For this reason, the development of an eCommerce app can be the perfect tool. Through it, you can offer discounts, offers, or rewards to encourage the download of the application and the purchase of products.

Personalized App For E-commerce

To offer a good and personalized shopping experience, it is no longer worth just creating a mobile application like the others. Users want to see new things and for this, technology is your great ally. 

Incorporating technology that complements the app such as the NFC or QR codes. Will also facilitate the shopping feel at the physical point of sale that can be personalized. When you create an online store app. Incorporating the sending of push notifications means greater visibility of your brand and a reminder to the user. 

Do you know that you can create an app without coding? An app builder for instance Appstylo allows you to create a mobile app with drag and drop with no coding required.

It is a way of being closer to your customers through notifications, for example, new offers, products, or discounts. Augmented and virtual reality is another technology that is beginning to be incorporated into the development of eCommerce apps, and thanks to them, customers can see products more realistically.

For example, it helps to know how a dress or t-shirt can look or how a certain item of furniture will look in your house. It has multiple uses and a lot of potentials to discover. Other eCommerce apps use GPS to know the location of customers and to be able to offer more appropriate and personalized recommendations, products, or services.

What Features eCommerce app Should have?

When developing an online store app. The first and foremost thing to take into account is usability and adapting the design and operation to mobile devices. A good or bad user experience in these types of applications can be key to the success or failure of the tool.

features online store app should have

For business managers, having a good administration tool that allows control of everything that happens is key. In this way, processes and sales can be simplified and streamlined. Among the basic elements or functionalities that an eCommerce app must have, are: 

1. Search Bar

The search bar for a product or service is essential for customers to find what they want. This speeds up the search and offers a more complete experience avoiding wasted time.

2. Digital Catalog

To have all your products or services visible and so that customers can see all the items, their price, description. Also, all the necessary information related to them, a digital catalog is what you need. Your app should have catalogs where customers, suppliers, or distributors have all the information they need to consult.

3. Shopping Cart

In it, users are allowed to add or remove the items they want to buy and that they will finally pay for. It is usually a prominent and attention-grabbing item on the screen.

4. Payments

This is one of the most important points for consumers and where more customers leave the purchase process. Therefore, it should be a simple and fast process, asking for only the necessary information and allowing different payment methods. Either credit card, debit card, PayPal, or other payment methods.

5. Orders & Product Tracking

As part of the strategy of putting the customer at the center of everything. Offering different options about the order and monitoring of the product. From the moment the purchase is made is very important for customer satisfaction. It allows the customer to have control of their order.


We are hoping that it has been useful to you. We want to emphasize the importance that electronic commerce will have in the coming years. Not only through the computer but also through the mobile phone thanks to the online store apps.

After the eCommerce app development and the beginning of its use. Remember to measure everything that happens in the application for your online store through tools like Google Analytics that will help you to make better decisions.